Jason Goodchild

Jason was born in North West London and is one of seven children to Mr and Mrs Goodchild. He always had the passion to share his extensive academic knowledge and life experiences and so upon being made redundant, decided to take the opportunity to do just that - become an educator . Having devoted many years to tutoring children in mathematics, English, and the sciences, he is now putting his extensive teaching experience to use in a new domain: composing children’s books that are as entertaining as they are educational. He hopes to pass on his knowledge and wisdom while also encouraging the next generation to embrace their own dreams and social responsibilities. 

He designed this new series, The Dwellings, to provide children comfort, confidence, and greater compassion for others. The series was inspired by the heightened emotions many experienced, in their homes, during the lockdowns around the world. Jason’s idea to devise a creative series about various types of buildings absorbing the energy of its inhabitants and the buildings ultimately expressing themselves, as if they were human, was kindled.

Jason currently resides in East London with his beautiful wife and two wonderful children and he hopes your family will enjoy his books as much as his own has.